The Old Habitual Way:
stressful situations lead to:
- sense of pressure from outside, "a burden/weight on my shoulders", etc.
- habitual reactions made up of a combination of fight/flight/freeze responses in mind and body
- which leads to heightened anxiety and other unpleasant feelings and emotions,such as annoyance, irritation, anger, frustration, sadness, sense of hopelessness/helplessness, etc.
- negative thinking
- strong desire to do something to get rid of these unpleasant feelings
- addictive behavior often follows, such as sugar-consumption to make myself feel better in the short term but makes me feel worse soon after
- more unpleasant feelings: back pain, brain fog, repetitive thinking, etc...
- vicious, destructive cycle
The New, Conscious Way:
When I remember to STOP for a moment, so that I can think and apply my AT skills, I am more empowered to change how I react to stressful situations, which I often cannot change directly (for instance, sometimes the stressful situation has to do with another person's actions, or even the weather), and I have a chance to break the cycle and transform it into something positive.
stressful situations lead to:
- some, but less, of the old reactivity (or if I'm really mindful, I can skip this unpleasant part altogether!)
- recognizing that outside pressures come with an inward direction (it feels like things are pushing in towards me, trying to compress me and make me shrink)
- instead of fighting that inward force, I can notice and allow it, accept and go along with it
- this brings me inward to my heart - the seat of ego, as well as the seat of Consciousness; I realize that I can choose Consciousness, and be grateful that I have been brought back to my heart, getting in touch with my true Self again
- once I'm centered again, I see that I have a choice: I can continue focusing on this inward direction, and/or I can re-balance myself by remembering that the inward can also shine outward
- choosing to shine out from my center, I can aim my whole self into expansion, aiming up-down, left-right, forward-back, etc. - but without losing awareness of my heart-center; ideally, I will continue to remember that inwardness and outwardness are equally necessary, and I will allow for both directions to support me as I continue on into my daily activity
- this gives me a great deal of confidence as I face outward pressures with a positive resistance
- aiming in-out brings me back to the awareness of my inner strength and helps me apply it constructively in relation to the challenges that await my response on the outside
This works SO well; I wish I could remember it every time I'm faced with stress in my life!
p.s. It can be hard to know how to aim yourself (body and mind) in space; this is what an Alexander Technique teacher is trained to help you do. Taking some lessons to learn these great skills is REALLY worth it!